Pascal Dupoy

Rollerblader, Filmographer, Photographer, Multi-Technician

Pascal Dupoy was born in Paris in 1975. He has been a recreational skater since the age of 6 years, and also studied and received a masters degree in geography at Paris 1. At the end of his studies, he rapidly changed direction towards the photo and video industry and working particularly with Shula Cheang (digital artist and director) and Phillipe Dussol (director). He films on rollerblades for different events and pieces (Foofwa Imobilité, Chanel), and for the productions of OFF (Loréal). He also films different video programs (FrenchConnexion, Netexplorateur, INPES …) for media activist Xavier Faltot.

Later he became a network and server administrator and now works for various cultural venues in Paris (Mains d’Oeuvres, La Maison des Arts de Créteil).

In the last 3 years, he is technical director of the “Chambre à Air” radio show in Paris (multicast on the net and Radio Campus Paris).
Currently, he is preparing the Year of Mexico in France for 2011.