Dancewalk - Ultra Valais


Industrialization has overthrown the artisanal, the manual, the local and replaced it with the mechanical, the serial, the standard and the homogeneous. The production of movement in dance culture has also been profoundly disrupted by industrialization.

8:30 Departure from Martigny Station: Morning performances with Jérôme Meizoz reading extracts from “Terrains vagues” at La Gravière du Rosel, l’Usine Moderna de Vernayaz and Dorénaz’s car dump

12:30 Lunch at Evionnaz Station

13:30 Evionnaz > Saint-Maurice: Pro-industrial dancewalk

15:15  Meeting at the gaz station of Horizonville: Hydroelectric Dancewalk, followed by Performances at the Chemin des Toblerones, vestiges of military fortifications used as anti-tank obstacles and along the historic Fortresses of Dufour

16:15 Break at route de Vasselin near the Château de St-Maurice

17:00 St-Maurice > Monthey: Anti-industrial dancewalk

19:30 Meeting at the junction of the Rhone and la Vièze, near the Step de Syngenta: Crossing of the Monthey industrial zone with the rock metal band, Herod

20:00 Arrival at the Théâtre du Crochetan inMonthey